I come to you today with a author interview with the every lovely J. R. Johansson. I loved her book Insomnia so go and read it. Go on. Anyway, on to the interview.
1. How did you get the idea for Insomnia? Did it just pop in your head one day, or did it develop over time?
Both actually. Parker, the main character that watches people's dreams, popped into my head on day. All the plot aspects, the sleep deprivation and all that developed over time.
2. How has the process of writing the book and getting picked up by the publisher and the whole publishing process been? Has it been stressful, fun or what?
Writing the book was really fun. It was the first darker book that I'd written and I got to really go wild with it and explore that side. I don't think I'll ever be able to go back. The submission process and getting an offer from a publisher was (and probably always will be) a roller coaster ride. It's incredibly rough to get that far and that close and then still get rejected, but that's what happens because you do have to find that perfect fit. You want the editor that LOVES your work, not the one that tolerates it, and you, just so they can have the book under their name. So you need those rejections, but it doesn't make them hurt any less. The entire publishing ride is stressful, fun, horrible and amazing. It's all of those things and every single emotion in between. It's what makes it all worth doing.
3. Since I am just a reader I don't know much about this and been wondering this, but do you have any say on how the book will look? Are you part of the process of picking out a title and a cover, or does the publishing house do all of that?
I've had the title Insomnia since before I got my agent, but if they'd hated it, we would've changed. I have a little say, on both cover and title, but they have the final say. For me at least, it's better this way, they know the market and how to get book buyers to want something. They know what kind of covers will draw attention and fly off the shelves. They absolutely make mistakes sometimes, but I'd HATE to go into a bookstore where the authors all designed their own covers and picked their own titles. Some would be amazing, but a lot (mine included) would be very, very not.
4. Is any of the characters or scenes in the book modeled after people or moments in your own life?
Not really, there was one Addie dream in the middle that was kind of my way of fighting back against a recurring nightmare I had as a kid. Other than that, no. I did try to make sure redheads were represented in a good light. ;-) I got a little tired of the "redheaded stepchild" phrase as a kid. Time to replace it with something cooler.
5. And finally, what is, besides your own, your favorite book?
Oh my goodness...hardest question ever and I think impossible to answer. When I'm in the mood for romance, I love Stephanie Perkins and Jane Austin. When I want something action packed, I like James Dashner or Suzanne Collins and Tom Clancy. When I want something creepy I like Kendare Blake, Gretchen McNeil and Stephen King. So yeah...can I just say I LOVE BOOKS? :)
Thanks so much for having me, Kim! This was a great interview!
Thank you so much for being here :D, I really love your book.
After four years of sleeplessness, high school junior Parker Chipp can’t take much more. Every night, instead of sleeping, he enters the dreams of the last person he’s made eye contact with. If he doesn’t sleep soon, Parker will die.
Then he meets Mia. Her dreams, calm and beautifully uncomplicated, allow him blissful rest that’s utterly addictive. But what starts out as a chance meeting turns into an obsession; Parker’s furious desire for what he needs pushes him to extremes he never thought he’d go. And when someone begins terrorizing Mia with twisted death threats, Parker’s memory blackouts leave him doubting his own innocence.
“The perfect blend of everything I love in a story. I hope a sequel comes soon!” –James Dashner, New York Times bestselling author of THE MAZE RUNNER
“Completely unputdownable. I’ve decided to nickname Johansson: Scary McScarypants, because she spooked me in all the best ways.” –Carrie Harris, author of BAD TASTE IN BOYS
“Cleverly written and dangerously dark, Insomnia will take you to the brink of insanity. A must-read for thriller and romance fans alike.”—Elana Johnson, author of POSSESSION
“A riveting story of terror and despair that will keep you up long past your bedtime.”—Jennifer Bosworth, author of STRUCK

Jenn’s Links -
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JennJohansson
Tumblr: http://jrjohansson.tumblr.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jenn.johansson
J.R. Johansson on
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5100095.J_R_Johansson
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/12260608-insomnia
Links –
The Book Depository - http://www.bookdepository.com/Insomnia-Johansson/9780738735931
Indiebound - http://www.indiebound.org/book/9780738735931
Books A Million - http://www.booksamillion.com/p/Insomnia/J-R-Johansson/9780738735931?id=5529587671279
Barnes & Noble - http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/insomnia-j-r-johansson/1113713840?ean=9780738735931
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Come back tomorrow for another review :D
Happy reading
The interview is my favorite thing about this post. I really like getting to know the author better, it's fun!
ReplyDeleteDefinitely the winning!! lol The interview was awesome and the book sounds great. I loved Kimberly's review too!!
ReplyDeleteNaomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace