Grade: 5 Butterflies
Name: Fire (Graceling Realm #2)
Author: Kristin Cashore
Released: October 5th 2009
Publisher: Dial Books
Page Amount: 461 pages
You can read this review if you haven't read Graceling. No spoilers.
Goodreads summary

This is where Fire lives. With a wild, irresistible appearance and hair the color of flame, Fire is the last remaining human monster. Equally hated and adored, she had the unique ability to control minds, but she guards her power, unwilling to steal the secrets of innocent people. Especially when she has so many of her own.
Then Prince Brigan comes to bring her to King City, The royal family needs her help to uncover the plot against the king. Far away from home, Fire begins to realize there's more to her power than she ever dreamed. Her power could save the kingdom.
If only she weren't afraid of becoming the monster her father was.
First off I want to say that you do not have to read Graceling before you read this. It does not matter which way you read them Fire first and Graceling last, or Graceling first and Fire last. It does not matter, because in Graceling there are seven kingdoms and a huge mountain separating the seven kingdoms from the rest off the land and they do not know what is over the mountain. Fire is about the people on the other side of the mountain and about 15 years before the events in Graceling takes place. So, it does not matter which book you read first, because they follow different characters. However, I would highly suggest you read both books before you read the third book in this series Bitterblue.
My thoughts
WOW......just wow........ this book is so awesome!!!!!!!!!! The plot, the characters, and the writing, especially the writing, all of it was just fantastic. Even though I read it about three times, every time I finish it I am just blown away by it.The plot wasn't really super fast, but it wasn't super slow, it was in the middle and I really liked that about this book. It gave you time to process what you read, but not to much time to process where you get bored. I was never bored in this book, there was always something going on. Even if that something going on was you trying to fiugre out who that weird little boy was. That says a lot about the writing in this book, because Kristin Cashore makes this book interesting even though the pace isn't that fast.
The chararcters in this book where really unique. I am not saying they where bad; the opposite actually, these characters where some of the best I ever read. I am just saying they where a lot different then normal YA characters and I loved that about them. Fire was a great character and her character development was really great and realistic, which I haven't read in a while. They way she is unique is because she is strong, but not strong like most off the female leads in now a day YA where they are good fighters and hate being the damsel in distress and where they have to be saved. Fire isn't any thing like that. She is good with the bow and arrows, but nothing other than that. What really makes her unique though is she doesn't want to know how to fight, but she isn't weak. She has her mental powers. She uses her mental powers to fight.
However, what really made this book for me was the awesome writing and the fantastic world building. Kristin Cashore writes this wonderful world in the perfect way. She doesn't over explain things, but she doesn't under explain things. She does it wonderfully.
Overall, this is a wonderfull book that had a fantastic plot, really great characters, and writing that is some of the best I have ever read.
This book got.....
5 Butterflies
Blew me away, one of the best books ever.
Recommend to everyone, except maybe not guys, becasue it talks about things they don't like.
That's my review, I hope you liked it.
Happy reading
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