I thought I would write up my summer TBR. Now, I want to read a lot more books besides these this summer, but these are the ones that are my top priority. Also, some of these books haven't released ye so, obviously, I won't be able to read them until they are released.

This is one of my favorite series of all time and I am very ashamed that I haven't read this one yet. I am just really nervous to read this one because I am afraid it won't be as good as the other ones and I don't want that kind of disappointment in my life. Also, I have been advised to read the Glass series before reading this one and I haven't read that yet. So I will be reading those books before this one.
The Glass Series by Maria V. Synder
Not only do I need to read these before reading Shadow Study, I really want to read them. I have the same reason why I haven't read these yet as I do for Shadow Study, I am just afriad they won't be as good as I expect them to be.
Miss Mayhem by Rachel Hawkins
I love Rachel Hawkins' books and I especially loved Rebel Belle. So naturally I want to read the sequel. However, for some reason I still haven't gotten to this book even though its been released for a while.

The Heart of Betrayal by Mary E. Pearson
Another sequel. I need to know what happens in this book, now! the cliff-hanger at the end of the first one was just too much for me and I need to know what happens to the characters!
Crimson Bound by Rosamund Hodge
Fun fact with this book, I just discovered that this is not a sequel to Cruel Beauty. I always thought it was and I was so excited to read the Cruel Beauty sequel. However, I still want to read this one because the summary looks so good!
Rogue by Julie Kagawa
I am just reading this one now, so it really shouldn't be on this list, but school is over for the semester so I believe that means it is summer, right? Right.

Rachel Vincent as been one of my favorite authors for years now and this newest book of hers looks amazing and wonderful! I can't wait for it to release!
This is another last book in a series that I really need to get to reading. This series is a great one and I am, again, sad to see it end. However, this one looks really action packed and I need to know what happens to all of the characters.
The Boy Most Likely To by Huntley Fitzpatrick
Now, this is the sequel to The Boy Next Door and I can not wait for it to release! It's Tim and Alice's story, who doesn't want to read their story?
Lion Heart by A. C. Gaughan
This book is bittersweet for me because this is the last book in one of
my all time favourite series and I cannot wait to read it but I don't want it to be over. I am conflicted!
my all time favourite series and I cannot wait to read it but I don't want it to be over. I am conflicted!
The Winner's Crime by Marie Rutkoski
The Winner's Curse was one of my favorite books in 2014 and I cannot wait to read its sequel.
The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson
Mistborn is another of my favorite series and I really want to finish it and read this last book. However, I kind of know what happens (spoilers suck) and I don't want to read that, I don't! I just don't want to see that character die, but at the same time I still really want to read this book!
What is your Summer Reading TBR
Happy Reading
I actually still need to read the first books in the Study Series^^ but seeing the 4th one come out is really pushing me to get moving already haha! Oh Kimberly, I'm sorry someone spoiled Hero of Ages for you but as much as I'm (still) mourning for what happened in it, it's a REALLY brilliant book so I think you should read it anyway! And I officially offer myself up as support/a shoulder to cry on when you get to *those parts* Oh and I also need to catch up with the His Fair Assassin Books - I've only read the first one so far! Looks like you have a lot of awesome reading ahead for the Summer!! Enjoy :D
ReplyDeleteI love Maria V. Snyder! I think you'll definitely enjoy Shadow Study more if you read the Glass series first - I read them years ago and I think Shadow Study suffered a little for such a long break and my brain trying to catch back up a little!
ReplyDeleteThe Winner's Curse and the first Mistborn book are on my TBR but I've not started them yet (although Micheline keeps encouraging me to read Sanderson of course) so I'm hoping to get round to both of those this year.
I am perfectly fine with reading the Glass series first because I haven't read it yet and I love anything and everything Maria V. Snyder writes. The only bad thing is I don't own it and none of the bookstores near me has it :(
ReplyDeleteSanderson is one of my all-time favorite authors! You don't even have to read Mistborn, just read any of his books because they are all amazing =D!!! Although Mistborn is one of his best series, hands down.
Poison Study is one of my all-time favorite books, it's amazing! It also helps that the series has such great covers, no matter what edition you look.
ReplyDeleteI need to gather up my courage before reading Hero of Ages. I want to read it so bad, but I am deathly afraid because I don't think I can handle it. Thank you for offering your shoulder to cry on because I just know when I start reading it I'm going to just start sobbing :(. Also, my whole thought process is that If I don't read it then it doesn't happen, thus by not reading it I am saving lives, lol :D