Favorite Quotes

'Once upon a time, there was a man as great as the gods...... But even the great can tremble with fear. Even the great can Fall.

Mary E. Pearson, Kiss of Deception

Friday, February 22, 2013

Friday 56 (22) & Follow Friday (21)

Friday 56 is hosted by Freda's Voice
*Grab a book, any book.
*Turn to page 56.
*Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it) that grabs you.
*Post it.
*Add your (url) post to Freda's Voice in Linky. Add the post url, not your blog url. It's that simple
This is page 56 on my nook.
I grabbed a hammer from the table and brought it to the first of many boards. It wasn't hard to pull the nails, and I got into a pretty good rhythm after a while.
"Look out!" someone shouted.

Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read.
  • Leave your name on the post
  • Create a post on your own blog that links back to the post (just grab the FF button) visit as many blogs as you can and tell them hello! In their comments.Be sure to follow them and if someone follows you follow back!!
Q: We always talk about books that WE want. Let's turn it on its head. What books have you given other people lately?

     So,  the reason I started this blog was to talk about books, because I don't know anyone who likes books like I do. Sure there's my mom, but she's so busy now a days that she doesn't have time to read. So, because of that I haven't given someone a book in a while. I recommended books to people, but I haven't given a book to a person in a long time. I think the closest I got to giving a book was when I let my mom borrow my copy of Delirium by Lauren Oliver last summer. She really liked it, but she dropped it and now there's a crease on the front.

P.S Please vote on my readers choice poll on the left side bar if you haven't already, Thank you :)

Thats my answer, whats yours?
Happy reading


  1. Hi, I am a new follower.
    I also voted on your poll. I have a poll too on my blog about love triangles in books. Feel free to vote

    Here is my FF http://goo.gl/GJ9cz

    1. Thanks for following :) and thnkas for voting.

  2. Oh, no. I don't mind giving books, but lending... I always have to remind the person, please take care of them.

    Thanks for stopping by :)

  3. I'm a new follower. I voted in your poll. No worries about not giving away a bunch of books. I think not having anyone around to listen to your opinions on YA books, is why we are all here.

    Here is my Feature & Follow Friday Post.

    Lisa @ I'll Tumble For YA

  4. There is a lot going on in the begining of that book.
    Thanks for stopping by :)

  5. LOL! I notice the condition of my returned books too, and I feel the creases, dog-ears, dings, and grease marks as much the book does. It hurts. Always. I'd rather give a book than lend one. Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier. ♥

    Raina @ The LUV'NV
    (Old GFC follower)

  6. I have a similar situation - no one I know is as obsessed with books as I am, so it makes gifting them hard. I do recommend a LOT though :D I really need to crack open my own copy of Delirium soon, sucks that your mom dented your copy though...I was very explicit with my mom when I lent her my Harry Potter books LOL Have a great week end ♥
