Favorite Quotes

'Once upon a time, there was a man as great as the gods...... But even the great can tremble with fear. Even the great can Fall.

Mary E. Pearson, Kiss of Deception

Monday, December 29, 2014

I'm Back (I mean it this time)

Hey guys, remember how in my last post I was saying I was back? Remember how that was posted that  more then a month ago and I never posted anything after that? (I'm ashamed!!) Well, I'm back and I'm really excited to start blogging again!

I'm really sorry I've been on a break so long, but not really. 

I posted my last post in the middle of NanoWrimo with all the intentions to keep blogging, not every day, but at least once a week and not only posting but keeping up with all of you guys and your blogs and I failed miserably at that. NaNoWriMo took up my life because I was bound and determined to win (which I did, Yay!!) and then December hit and for whatever reason I did not feel ready to go back to blogging. I don't know why because I wasn't even that busy, I had some school stuff and the holiday season but I still had a lot of free time on my hands.

I'm not sorry that I stopped blogging for such a long time, because this is my hobby and I didn't want to do it. I don't want this blog to ever feel like a job, a chore, so when I wasn't in the mood to post anything I didn't force myself to. I wasn't going to force myself to do something just because I feel like I should do it. So, I am not sorry that I haven't been posting, what I am sorry for is not keeping up with you guys and your blogs. I consider a lot of you as friends and I feel really bad that I never went on your blogs to see how you're doing and to read your post and I'm sorry. But I am back now and I am trying to catch up.

sorry animated GIF

So basically I'm really sorry that I've been away from the blogoshpere for so long, but I'm not sorry I took a break.

Happy Reading


  1. Well, you used Mr. Darcy to ask for forgivess...you are automatically forgiven ;)

    Congratulations on winning NanoWrimo. That's a huge accomplishment. I wish that I kept up-to-date with that event to at least know what is going on, but I do know that it's something huge.

    Also, I agree that blogging is only a hobby and should not feel like a job. I sometimes forget that and I am forcing myself to create posts. My goal for next year is accept half of the reviews that I did in 2014. I am going to dedicate my blog about MY reads and things that I enjoy instead of just promotion.

    Good luck with this new upcoming year and I hope to hear more from you!

    I love the Supernatural gif. It cracked me up.

    Vonnie's Reading Corner

  2. Sometimes it's really good to just take a break from blogging, especially when it starts feeling more like a chore than something done for fun. I'm glad you're back and hope you have an awesome 2015 in reading and blogging! :D

  3. Well I'm glad that your back, LOVE the Supernatural gif and I hope you have an amazing new year reading and blogging-wise!

    Sometimes life happens right, and that means taking a break from blogging and other things. When you're just not feeling it, it's best to not force yourself....this should never feel like an obligation. Welcome back all the same :D
