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Could you ever double as a spy like Snape?
First off, I love this topic!!
Second off, oh god no. I think it takes a certain type of person to do that and I am not that type. Snape did horrible things to prove himself to Voldermort and did them without Voldermort, or anyone else for that matter, realizing he was a double agent. To do that I think you need strong motivation, be very good at hiding your emotions, and be good at shouldering a great deal of pain and guilt. I am an open book. I am not good at hiding my emotions for long periods of time, heck I'm bad at hiding my emotions for short periods of time. So, I wouldn't be able to hid my feelings and honest reactions to things/Voldemort.
Also it would ruin whatever relationships I had. My family would hate me, my friends would hate me, my whole generation would hate me until the end when/if they figure out I was a double agent and I don't think I could take that kind of hatred from my family. And if I died they would feel so guilty about treating me the way they did and I don't want anyone I love to feel that for the rest of their lives.
Also it would ruin whatever relationships I had. My family would hate me, my friends would hate me, my whole generation would hate me until the end when/if they figure out I was a double agent and I don't think I could take that kind of hatred from my family. And if I died they would feel so guilty about treating me the way they did and I don't want anyone I love to feel that for the rest of their lives.
If I was in his position ,with no family of friends *sob sob*, I might want to do it, might feel that I would have to do it, but my emotions would give me away in ten seconds flat.
What you be able to do it?
Happy Reading