Favorite Quotes

'Once upon a time, there was a man as great as the gods...... But even the great can tremble with fear. Even the great can Fall.

Mary E. Pearson, Kiss of Deception

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Can't wait wednesday (7)

      Can't Wait Wednesday is a weekly theme that I made. It was inspired by "Waiting On Wednesday" over at Breaking The Spine. Basically what "Can't Wait Wednesday" is about, is that I showcase a book that I can't wait to be released. I also showcase a book that is already released, but I can't wait to read.

This weeks to be released book is Origin by Jessica Khoury
Released date: September 4, 2012

Publisher: Penguin Group (USA) Incorporated

   Goodreads summary

Pia has grown up in a secret laboratory hidden deep in the Amazon rain forest. She was raised by a team of scientists who have created her to be the start of a new immortal race. But on the night of her seventeenth birthday, Pia discovers a hole in the electric fence that surrounds her sterile home—and sneaks outside the compound for the first time in her life.

Free in the jungle, Pia meets Eio, a boy from a nearby village. Together, they embark on a race against time to discover the truth about Pia’s origin—a truth with deadly consequences that will change their lives forever.

Origin is a beautifully told, shocking new way to look at an age-old desire: to live forever, no matter the cost. This is a supremely compelling debut novel that blends the awakening romance of Matched with the mystery and jungle conspiracy of Lost


This looks like such a great book. The story line looks so original. I have never really read a book where the setting was in the jungle, so I am super exited to read that aspect of the story.

This weeks already released book is Beautiful Lies Jessica Warman

Released: August 7, 2012

Publisher: Walker & Company

               Goodreads summary

Rachel and Alice are an extremely rare kind of identical twins-so identical that even their aunt and uncle, whom they've lived with since their parents passed away, can't tell them apart. But the sisters are connected in a way that goes well beyond their surfaces: when one experiences pain, the other exhibits the exact same signs of distress. So when one twin mysteriously disappears, the other immediately knows something is wrong-especially when she starts experiencing serious physical traumas, despite the fact that nobody has touched her. As the search commences to find her sister, the twin left behind must rely on their intense bond to uncover the truth. But is there anyone around her she can trust, when everyone could be a suspect? And ultimately, can she even trust herself? Master storyteller Jessica Warman will keep readers guessing when everything they see-and everything they are told-suddenly becomes unreliable in this page-turning literary thriller

I love mysteries books. I have always loved them and most likely always will. So, this book looks right up my alley. I also can't wait to see is how the author will write the twin stuff.

That is my Can't wait wednesday.
What are you waiting on???