Grade: 2 Butterflies
Name: The Unbecoming Of Mara Dyer
Author: Michelle Hodkins
Released: September 27th 2011
Page Amount: 452 pages
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing
My thoughts
This story was soo incredibly creepy and boring. I was excited to read this book at first because I read so many good reviews on it. However when I started to read it, it didn't really grab my attention until the way end. The story had such a slow pace for me. It was also sooo psychotically creepy, and I just don't like those kind of books.
The characters were alright. Not the best but not the worst. There was a good amount of character development. I also hated the mom in this book. I get that she was just worried about her daughter but I hated how she saw her daughter. That she was a crazy that needed mental help. And, one time she practically forced her to take the anti-psychotics. What the heck! So, I don't like the mother, but the rest of the characters were alright.
The writing in this book was alright. Mrs.Hodkin made the setting and tone just the perfect amount of creepy that I was afraid to sleep one night. The only bad thing about Mrs. Hodkin's writing was the dialogue between characters. It was perfect for the 1800 hundreds but not for 21st century where the setting is. Like one time, the main character Mara said to her brother " I detest you, I really do." No one says that now a days. Another time her brother tells her to " prey tell." Again, no one says that any more. However, she does just perfectlly with the love between Noah and Mara. I fell in love with Noah.
The ending was a good ending for a first book in a series. It leaves you screaming at the book "THAT'S THE END, ARE KIDDING ME?" So, it was a pretty good ending that left room for a next book.
Overall: So over all the book just wasn't my kind of book. I would recemend this book for people who love psychotic books and movies, but if you don't like that, then this is not a good book for you.
This book got...
2 Butterflies
Boring, not really my kind of book.
That's my review, I hope you liked it.